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Tuition Fees

Candidates who do not hold Polish citizenship may undertake studies on the tuition-paying basis.

The tuition fee varies from 500 euros to about 2,500 euros per semester, depending on the programme. The height of the tuition for each programme individually can be found on the programme's site in our online Catalog.

The tuition fee on the University of Silesia fee is paid on the semester basis. This means that the tuition fee for each semester must be covered before the semester starts.

Tuition fees are regulated by the Rector's Decision no. 74 / 2017 (see attachments below):

  1. Decision of the Rector of the University of Silesia no. 74 / 2017
  2. Appendix no. 1 - Fees for Bachelor, Master and long-term Master studies in English
  3. Appendix no. 2 - Fees for PhD studies in English
  4. Appendix no. 3 - Fees for 1 ECTS point on the University of Silesia



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Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
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