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University of Silesia in Rankings - 2017

In the year 2017 the University of Silesia marked its presence in the following international rankings:

  1. Times Higher Education World University Rankings:
    - position in Poland: 5,
    ​- position in the world: 801+;
  2. BRICS & Emerging Economies University Rankings
    - position among listed: 201-250;
  3. Academic Ranking of World Universities (so called "Shanghai Ranking"):
    ​- position in the world: outside 800;
  4. QS EMerging Europe and Central Asua University Rankings
    - position in Poland: 10,
    - position among listed: 96/200;
  5. Ranking Web of Universities:
    - position in Poland: 8 (1st and 2nd edition),
    - position in the world: 820 (1st edition), 891 (2nd edition);
  6. Best Global Universities Rankings (by U.S. News & World Report):
    - position in Poland: 10,
    - position in Europe: 378,
    - position in the world: 921;
  7. The uniRank University Ranking – 2017 Polish University Ranking 
    - position in Poland: 7,
    - position in the world: 927;
  8. U-Multirank:
    ​- click here to see the profile of the University of Silesia.


See positions of the University of Silesia in:


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