Professor Tadeusz Lewowicki, one of the most eminent contemporary educators and recognized international authority, will receive the honorary doctorate degree at the University of Silesia in Katowice. The ceremony will take place on Tuesday, 4th June 2019, in Cieszyn. The request of the Council of the Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Sciences in this matter was approved by the Senate of the University of Silesia on 26th March 2019 (Resolution No. 340).
Professor Tadeusz Lewowicki is the founder of a scientific school – multilateral pedagogy and intercultural pedagogy, a valued author of numerous publications on the development of education theory and practice, tireless promoter of the latest pedagogical and educational ideas, master and teacher of many generations of science workers and initiator and creator of the scientific school of culture and borderline education .
The Rector and Senate of the University of Silesia invite you to the ceremony of awarding the highest academic honor - the honorary doctorate degree. The ceremony will start at 11:00 AM in the academic auditory of the University of Silesia (62 Bielska St., Cieszyn).
Confirmations of participation in the ceremony are accepted until May 27 via e-mail: e-mail: