On Tuesday, 28th May 2019, the Senate of the University of Silesia in Katowice adopted the new Statute of the university. This most important legal act adjusts university’s internal regulations to the requirements of the new Law on Higher Education and Science, and introduces a number of solutions aimed at strengthening the research and teaching position of the University of Silesia. Its provisions also ensure respect for traditional academic values.
The new Statute sets out the rules for the organization and operation of the university, including:
- the manner of appointing and dismissing university bodies, including entities authorized to indicate candidates for the rector and the manner of organizing elections,
- composition of the university and senate council,
- principles and mode of functioning of the university council, senate and college of electors,
- principles of internal supervision over files issued by university bodies,
- types of university organizational units,
- managerial functions,
- principles of appointing persons to perform managerial functions and dismissing them,
- the mode of awarding the honorary doctorate degree,
- rules of running a business by the university,
- rules of administering university property,
- the mode of granting organizational regulations,
- order provisions regarding the holding of meetings.
Work on Statute’s preparation lasted over a year. The involvement of the entire academic community was essential for the effective implementation of changes in such a wide range. One of the particularly important stages of work were the appointments of working teams in the think tank formula last September. Ideas developed in these groups were discussed during open meetings with the academic community. These activities were aimed at developing comprehensive assumptions for the new Statute, which formed the basis for the work of the statutory committee, and then the final debate at the Senate of the University of Silesia.
The new document was approved by the Senate of the University of Silesia by a large majority of votes. The most important legal act of the university will come into force on 1st October 2019.