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Courses in English

University of Silesia in Katowice provides a range of courses in English as a language of instruction. This offer is fully dedicated to exchange students. All Erasmus students and students incoming in the frame of bilateral agreements are not charged for courses approved in their learning agreements. Here you may find a mean price for 1 ECTS point corresponding to the faculties.


Faculty of Fine Arts and Music

Instrument class 30 + 30 + 30 BA I/II/III 4 + 4 + 4 piano, guitar, flute, violin, cello, sax, double bass, drums, electric guitar, clarinet, organ, accordion, harpsichord
Specializations: Vocal and Instrumental bands in pop music class 300 BA II/III 28 basic jazz harmony, improvisation, instrumental and vocal bands, specialistic literature, art workshop
Choir class 60 + 60 + 60 BA I/II/III 3 + 3 + 3  
Brass orchestra class 60 + 60 + 60 BA I/II/III 3 + 3 + 3  
String orchestra class 60 + 60 + 60 BA I/II/III 3 + 3 + 3  
Basso continuo class 30 + 30 BA II/III 2 + 2  
Harmony class 30 + 30 BA II/III 2 + 2  
Counterpoint class 15 BA III 1  
Introduction to Jaques-Dalcroze's Eurhythmics class 15 + 30 BA II 2 + 3 Specialization: Eurhythmics in child education
Eurhythmics methodology class 15 + 15 BA III 1 + 3 Specialization: Eurhythmics in child education
Movement and dance in Eurhythmics class 15 + 30 + 30 BA II/III 1 + 2 + 4 Specialization: Eurhythmics in child education
Music and movement course class 30 + 30 BA I 2 + 2  
History of music class 45 + 45 + 45 BA I/II 4 + 4 + 4  
Music and sound in its cultural and practical environment class 45 + 45 + 45 BA I/II 4 + 4 + 3  
MIDI equipment and software class 45 BA I 4  
Instrument class 15 + 15 MA I 4 piano, guitar, flute, violin, cello, sax, double bass, drums, electric guitar, clarinet, organ, accordion, harpsichord
Chopin piano workshop class 30 + 30 MA I 4  
Basso continuo class 30 MA I 2  
Harmony class 30 MA I 2  
Piano and organ improvisation class 30 MA II 4  
Speciality: Vocal and instrumental bands in pop music class 300 MA I/II 30 jazz harmony, improvisation, instrumental and vocal bands, subject focused literature, artistic workshop
Counterpoint class 15 MA I 2  
Eurhythmics in music therapy class 15 + 15 MA I 2 + 3 Specialization: Eurhythmics in child education
Elements of dance therapy class 30 + 30 MA II 3 + 3 Specialization: Eurhythmics in child education
Musical composition class 30 + 30 + 30 + 30 MA I/II 4 + 4 + 4 + 4  
Modern art class 30 + 30 + 30 MA I/II 2 + 2 + 2  
Game history class 30 MA 1 3  
Specializations:game graphic design class 300 MA I/II 28  
Digital graphic (I, II, III, IV) class 30 + 30 + 30 + 30 MA I/II 4 + 4 + 4 + 4  
Art workshops (I, II) class 45 + 45 MA I/II 3 + 3 + 3  
3d graphic (I, II) class 30 + 30 MA I/II 3 + 3  
Textures (I, II) class 30 + 30 MA I/II 3 + 3  
Animation (I, II) class 30 + 30 MA I/II 3 + 3  
Game environment (I, II) class 30 + 30 MA I/II 3 + 3  
UI design (I, II) class 30 + 30 MA I/II 3 + 3  
Multimedia (I, II) class 30 + 30 MA I 2 + 2  
Game engines (I, II) class 30 + 30 MA I/II 3 + 3  
Game design (I, II) class 15 MA II 1  
Game mechanics (I, II) class 30 MA II 3  
Instrument class 30 + 30 + 30 BA I/II/III 4 + 4 + 4 piano, guitar, flute, violin, cello, sax, double bass, drums, electric guitar, clarinet, organ, accordion, harpsichord
Specializations: Vocal and instrumental bands in pop music class 300 BA II/III 28 basic jazz harmony, improvisation, instrumental and vocal bands, specialistic literature, art workshop
Choir class 60 + 60 + 60 BA I/II/III 3 + 3 + 3  
Brass orchestra class 60 + 60 + 60 BA I/II/III 3 + 3 + 3  
String orchestra class 60 + 60 + 60 BA I/II/III 3 + 3 + 3  
Basso continuo class 30 + 30 BA II/III 2 + 2  
Harmony class 30 + 30 BA II/III 2 + 2  
History of music class 45 + 45 + 45 BA I/II 4 + 4 + 4  
Music and Sound in its Cultural and Practical Enviroment class 45 + 45 + 45 BA I/II 4 + 4 + 3  
MIDI equipment and software class 45 BA I 4  
Musical composition class 30 + 30 + 30 + 30 MA I/II 4 + 4 + 4 + 4  

Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection

Advanced Methods in Biotechnology and Biodiversity - PhD study
Plant morphogenesis in vivo and in vitro lecture + laboratory 4+30 PhD I - IV 3  
Advanced methods in animal biodiversity (research) laboratory 15 PhD I - IV 2  
Advanced methods in plant ecophysiological research laboratory 15 PhD I - IV 2  
Advanced molecular cytogenetics lecture + laboratory 4 + 30 PhD I - IV 3  
Advanced statistical methods in natural sciences laboratory 30 PhD I - IV 3  
Arthropods diversity and conservation laboratory 30 PhD I - IV 3  
Biomarkers in monitoring exposure and effects of xenobiotics in the environment lecture + laboratory 4 + 30 PhD I - IV 3  
Biophysical aspects of plant growth and development laboratory 30 PhD I - IV 3  
Chromatin immunostaining methods lecture + laboratory 4 + 30 PhD I - IV 3  
Contemporary methods in monitoring the history of contamination of the natural environment lecture + laboratory 6 + 24 PhD I - IV 2  
Cyto- and histochemical analysis of embryonic animal tissues lecture + laboratory 4 + 30 PhD I - IV 3  
Effective presentation workshop practical 15 PhD I 2  
Microorganisms in the environment and their use in biotechnology laboratory 30 PhD I -IV 3  
Modern methods of teaching biology practical 30 PhD I 3  
Molecular methods in plant and animal biodiversity research laboratory 30 PhD I - IV 2  
Patch clamp studies in plant cell lecture + laboratory 4 + 20 PhD I - IV 3  
Plant functional genomics lecture + laboratory 4+30 PhD I - IV 3  
Plant invasion: species biology, ecological threat and ecosystem management laboratory 15 PhD I - IV 2  
Population and succession studies of Central European lowland ecosystems field lab 30 PhD I - IV 3  
Practical bioinformatics laboratory 15 PhD I - IV 2  
Techniques for biodiversity of soil microorganisms laboratory 15 PhD I - IV 2  
The design of field, cultivation and controlled environment experiments in ecology – introduction laboratory 15 PhD I - IV 2  
Theoretical framework of forest restoration lecture + field lab 2 + 28 PhD I - IV 3  
Biotechnology - two specializations: Plant Biotechnlology (PB) & Environmental Biotechnology (EB)
Statistical methods in natural sciences lecture + class 10 + 35 MA I 4 PB + EB
Specialization laboratory I laboratory 120 MA I 8 PB + EB
Specialization laboratory II laboratory 120 MA I 8 PB + EB
Specialization seminar I seminar 30 MA I 3 PB + EB
Specialization seminar II seminar 30 MA I 3 PB + EB
Bioinformatics lecture + laboratory 15 + 45 MA I 5 PB + EB
Plant biotechnology lecture + laboratory 30 + 60 MA I 7 PB
Microbial biotechnology lecture + laboratory 30 + 60 MA I 7 EB
English classes classes 30 MA I 2 PB + EB
Basics of plant biotechnology lecture + laboratory 10 + 35 MA I 5 EB
Basics of microbial biotechnology lecture + laboratory 10 + 35 MA I 5 PB
Physical education class 30 MA I 1 PB + EB
Bioethics lecture + seminar 15 + 15 MA II 2 PB + EB
MSc laboratory I laboratory 180 MA II 17 PB + EB
MSc laboratory II laboratory 180 MA II 17 PB + EB
MSc seminar I seminar 30 MA II 3 PB + EB
MSc seminar II seminar 30 MA II 3 PB + EB
Molecular cytogenetics (F*) lecture + laboratory 15 + 45 MA I or II 6 F* - the facultative modules; PB
Plant genomics (F*) lecture + laboratory 15 + 45 MA I or II 6 PB
DNA markers (F*) lecture + laboratory 15 + 45 MA I or II 6 PB
Modelling of plant organ growth (F*) lecture + conversatory 10 + 15 MA I or II 5 PB
Mechanisms of generative propagation of plants (F*) lecture + laboratory 15 + 30 MA I or II 5 PB
GMO – benefits and threats (F*) lecture + class 20 + 10 MA I or II 4 PB
Patch-clamp technique in the study of plant cells (F*) lecture + laboratory 10 + 20 MA I or II 4 PB
Physiological bases for medicament effects (F*) lecture + laboratory 15 + 30 MA I or II 5 PB
Environmental biotechnology (F*) lecture + laboratory 15 + 45 MA I or II 6 EB
Food microbiology and nutritional physiology (F*) lecture + laboratory 10 + 20 MA I or II 4 EB
Industrial microbiology (F*) lecture + laboratory 15 + 45 MA I or II 6 EB
Phytoremediation (F*) lecture + laboratory 15 + 15 MA I or II 3 EB
Physiology of adaptation to environment (F*) lecture + laboratory 20 + 40 MA I or II 6 EB
Genetic and environmental components in human disease (F*) lecture + sconversatory 10 + 10 MA I or II 2 PB + EB
Organisms under environmental stress (F*) lecture + laboratory 10 + 20 MA I or II 3 PB + EB
Mechanism of evolution (F*) lecture 30 MA I or II 3 PB + EB
Histochemical and immunohistochemical techniques (F*) lecture + laboratory 10 + 50 MA I or II 6 PB+EB
Biological bases for human and animal behavior (F*) lecture + class 30 + 30 MA I or II 5 PB + EB

Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Science

The Philosophy of Education CH* lecture + class 15 + 15 BA III 3 CH* = course of study to choice 
Contemporary theories of ethics and moral dilemmas CH* lecture + class 15 + 15 BA III 3  
Means of theatre and expression of human  CH* class 30 BA I 2  
The Philosophy of Culture CH* lecture + class 15 + 15 BA III 3  
Contemporary art – pro and con CA* class 30 BA I 3  
Laboratory of creative and expressive arts CH* class 30 BA I 2  
The Philosophy of Religion CA* lecture + class 15 + 15 BA III 3  
Cultural tourism in Poland - selected issues class 30 BA III 2  
Accompanying the other in the creative process of making arts class 30 BA III 2  
Intercultural education in cultural tourism CH* lecture + class 15 + 15 BA II 3  
Logic P/E* lecture + class 15 + 15 MA I 3 P/E*= this course of study is  run in Polish /or English
Selected concepts of modern philosophy P/E* lecture + class 15 + 15 MA I 3  
Contemporary currents in pedagogy P/E* lecture + class 15 + 15 MA I 0  
Resocialization pedagogy P/E* lecture + class 15 + 15 MA I 6  
Theoretical basics of intercultural education P/E* lecture + class 15 + 30 MA I 6  
Legal foundations of resocialization and security P/E* lecture 15 MA I 2  
Psychology of disorders and psychopathology P/E* lecture 15 MA I 2  
Special pedagogy P/E* lecture 15 MA I 2  
Methodology of social studies P/E* lecture + class 15 + 15 MA I 3  
Contemporary problems of sociology P/E* lecture + class 15 + 15 MA I 3  
Psychology of personality P/E* lecture + class 15 + 15 MA I 4  
Diagnosis in resocialization P/E* lecture + class 15 + 15 MA I 2  
Social prevention P/E* lecture 15 MA I 2  
Methodology of intercultural education P/E* class 15 MA I 1  
Organization and management of resocialization institutions in Poland and worldwide P/E* lecture + class 15 + 15 MA I 2  
History and modern concepts of resocialization in Poland and worldwide P/E* lecture + class 15 + 15 MA I 2  
Axiological foundations of intercultural education P/E* lecture + class 15 + 15 MA I 2  
Socialization and education in multicultural communities P/E* lecture + class 15 + 15 MA I 2  
Cultural anthropology P/E* lecture + class 15 + 15 MA II 4  
Andragogy P/E* lecture + class 15 + 15 MA II 4  
Comparative pedagogy P/E* lecture + class 15 + 15 MA II 4  
Methodology of resocialization work P/E* lecture 15 MA II 2  
Methodology of court probation and penitentiary work P/E* class 30 MA II 1  
Methods of creative resocialization P/E* class 30 MA II 2  
Methods of sociotherapeutic work P/E* class 30 MA II 2  
Educational diagnosis and support in culturally diversified environment P/E* class 15 MA II 1  
Techniques of group and environmental work in multicultural space P/E* class 30 MA II 2  
Pedeutology P/E* lecture + class 15 + 15 MA II 1  
Negotiation and mediation techniques P/E* class 30 MA II 4  
Designing preventive and therapeutic programmes P/E* class 30 MA II 4  
Intercultural communication P/E* class 30 MA II 4  
Designing educational activities in school and non-school multicultural environment P/E* class 15 MA II 2  
Animation of socio-cultural activities in multicultural conditions P/E* class 15 MA II 2  
Health education and promotion   P/E* class 5 MA I 1  

Faculty of Philology

Institute of English Languages
Practical English: Module 1,2,3,4,5 class 300 + 240 + 60 BA I, II, III 22 + 22 + 3  
Introduction to linguistics class 30 BA I 2  
Descriptive grammar lecture + class 30 + 60 BA I 7  
Descriptive grammar lecture + class 30 + 60 BA II 7  
Contrastive grammar class 15 BA II 2  
History of language lecture + class 30 + 30 BA III 3  
Introduction to lexicography and corpus linguistics class 30 BA III 2  
History of the English speaking countries lecture 30 BA I 2  
History of British lliterature lecture 30 BA I 2  
History of American lliterature lecture 30 BA I 2  
Introduction to literature studies lecture 30 BA I 2  
Culture of the English speaking countries lecture 60 BA II 4  
History to literature of the English speaking countries lecture + class 15 + 30 BA II 3  
Introduction to tanslation theory class 30 BA II 2  
English Translator and interpreter training: Module 1,2 Includes: simultaneous or consecutive interpreting, translation class 180 BA III 12 Includes: simultaneous or consecutive interpreting, translation
English Translator and interpreter training, Module 1,2,3,4 Incl.: simultaneous, consecutive &  community interpreting, written & ESP texts translation class 180 + 270 MA I, II 18 + 21 Incl.: simultaneous, consecutive & community interpreting, written & ESP texts translation
Academic writing: scientific text processing class 30 MA I 2  
Monographic lecture 1 lecture 60 MA I 4  
Formal style and grammar class 30 MA I 2  
Introduction to literature studies lecture + class 30+60 BA I 5  
Arabic language course class 120 + 180 + 180 BA I, II, III 15 + 14 + 9  
Arabic translator training class 60 BA III 4  
Knowledge of the Arabic countries class 60 BA II 6  
Semitic linguistics and general linguistics class 60 BA III 3  
Arabic translation class 120 MA I, II 12  
Arabic literature lecture 30 MA I 4  
Practical Arabic: Module 1,2,3,4 class 180 + 90 MA I,II 12 + 9  
BA seminar class 60 BA III 18  
Chines language course class 360 + 300 + 240 BA I, II, III 15 + 18 + 11  
Practical Chinese: Module 1,2,3,4 class 180+90 MA I, II 12 + 9  
Chinese translation class 120 MA I, II 12  
Chinese literature lecture 30 MA I 4  
Chinese translator training class 30 BA III 3  
Knowledge of Eastern culture class 30 BA II 2  
Chinese and general linguistics class 30 BA III 2  
Translation: Chinese class 30 BA III 3  
Practical Japanese: Module 1,2,3,4 class 180 + 90 MA I, II 12 + 9  
Japanese translation class 120 MA I, II 12  
Japanese literature lecture 30 MA I 4  
Knowledge about Japanese language and general linguistics class 30 BA III 2  
Knowledge of Japanese culture class 30 BA II 2  
Japanes and general linguistics class 30 BA III 2  
Translation: Japanese class 30 BA III 3  
Practical Hindi class 240 + 180 + 180 BA I, II, III 37  
Indian language and general linguistics class 30 BA III 2  
Indian culture and literature lecture 60 BA II 2  
Translation: Hindi class 30 BA III 3  
Practical German: Module 1,2,3,4 class 120 + 90 MA I, II 20  
German translation class 120 MA I, II 12  
History of German literature lecture 30 MA I 4  
Practical German grammar class 60 MA I 6  
Descriptive grammar of German class 30 BA II 3  
German and general linguistics class 30 BA II 3  
Knowledge of German speaking countries class 60 BA III 4  
Translation: German class 30 BA III 3  
Practical German: Module 1,2,3,4,5,6 class 120 + 180 + 120 BA I, II, III 15 + 17 + 9  
Business language class 60 + 60 + 60 BA I, II, III 6 + 4 + 5  
Business and trade correspondence class 30 + 60 + 30 BA I, II, III 2 + 4 + 2  
Knowledge of politics and economy of English speaking countries class 30 + 60 BA I, II 2 + 4  
Language for Specific Purposes class 60 BA III 4  
Pedagogy and Elements of Applied linguistics lecture + class 15 + 30 BA I 5  
FL teacher training lecture + class 60 + 60 BA II 7  
Young Learners teacher training lecture + class 30 + 30 BA II 4  
Young Learners teacher training class 30 BA III 2  
FL teaching practice class 30 + 120 BA II, III 5  
Practical English: Module 1,2,3,4 class 120 + 120 MA I, II 11 + 10  
Contrastive linguistics lecture + class 30 + 30 MA I 4  
Glottodidactics lecture + class 30 + 60 MA II 6  
Teaching English as a Foreign Language class 60 + 60 MA II 7  
Interpretation of British literature class 30 MA I 3  
Interpretation of American literature class 30 MA I 3  
Culture and literature – thematic modules (elective) lecture + class 45 + 90 BA II 6  
Latin and ancient civilization class 60 MA I 4  
MA seminar class 60 + 60 MA I, II 18  
[English Philology] Second language practice (German/French) class 180 + 180 + 120 BA I, II, III 15 + 13 + 9  
Education of translators and interpreters: Module 1,2 consecutive interpreting, translation, simultaneous interpreting class 180 BA III 12  
Consecutive interpreting class 60 BA III 4  
Translation class 60 BA III 5  
Simultaneous interpreting class 60 BA III 3  
English Translator and interpreter training, Module 1,2,3,4 class 180 + 270 MA I, II 18 + 21  
Written translation. English class 60+60 MA I,II 6+6  
Consecutive interpreting class 60+60 MA I,II 6+4  
ESP texts translation. English class 45 MA II 4  
Translation studies methodology class 30 MA II 2  
Community interpreting class 15 MA II 1  
Simultaneous interpreting class 60+60 MA I,II 6+4  
Institute of English Cultures and Literatures
Practical knowledge of English: Module 1 class 270 BA I 20 English Studies: Specialisation Culture - Media - Translation
Practical knowledge of English: Module 2 class 120 BA I 8
Practical knowledge of English: Module 3 class 90 BA II 7
Practical knowledge of English: Module 4 class 90 BA II 6
Practical knowledge of English: Module 5 class 60 BA III 5
History of English Speaking countries 1 lecture 15 BA I 1
Culture of English Speaking Countries 1 class 30 BA I 2
History of English Speaking Countries 2 lecture 15 BA II 2
Culture of English Speaking Countries 2 class 30 BA II 2
History of British Literature 1 class/lecture 60 BA I 6
History of British Literature 2 class/lecture 60 BA II 6
History of American Literature class/lecture 60 BA II 5
Introduction to Literary Studies 1 class/lecture 45 BA I 5 English Studies: Specialisation Culture - Media - Translation
Introduction to Literary Studies 2 class/lecture 45 BA I 4
Introduction to Linguistics lecture 30 BA I 3
Language and Communication class/lecture 45 BA I 4
Descriptive Grammar 1 (of English) class/lecture 45 BA I 3
Descriptive Grammar 2 (of English) class/lecture 45 BA II 3
Culture ane Literature: Thematic Module 1 class/lecture 45 BA II 6
Culture ane Literature: Thematic Module 2 class/lecture 45 BA II 6
Culture ane Literature: Thematic Module 3 class/lecture 45 BA II 5
Aspects of Media Studies class/lecture 45 BA II 5
Film class/lecture 45 BA II 5
New Media class/lecture 45 BA III 4
Introduction to Translation Theory class/lecture 45 BA II 3
Elective Course 1 (literature / culture) class/lecture 45 BA III 4
Elective Course 2 (media) class/lecture 45 BA III 4
Information Technology: Editing Texts class 30 BA III 2
Methodology of Academic Texts class 15 BA III 1
B.A. Seminar 1 seminar 30 BA III 5
B.A. Seminar 2 seminar 30 BA III 18
Practical Knowledge of English: Module 1 class 270 BA I 20 English Studies: Specialisation Culture and Literature of the English Speaking Countries
Practical Knowledge of English: Module 2 class 120 BA I 8
Practical Knowledge of English: Module 3 class 90 BA II 7
Practical Knowledge of English: Module 4 class 90 BA II 6
Practical Knowledge of English: Module 5 class 60 BA III 5
History of English Speaking Countries 1 lecture 15 BA I 1
Culture of English Speaking Countries 1 class 30 BA I 2
History of English Speaking Countries 2 lecture 15 BA II 1
Culture of English Speaking Countries 2 class 30 BA II 2
History of British Literature 1 class/lecture 60 BA I 6
History of British Literature 2 class/lecture 60 BA II 6
History of American Literature class/lecture 60 BA II 5
Introduction to Literary Studies 1 class/lecture 45 BA I 5 English Studies: Specialisation Culture and Literature of the English Speaking Countries
Poetry and Poetics class 30 BA I 4
Introduction to Literary Studies 2 class/lecture 45 BA I 4
Literary Theory lecture 15 BA II 1
Aspects of Drama class 30 BA II 2
Literary Prose and Aspects of Narrative Theory class 30 BA II 5
Introduction to Linguistics lecture 30 BA I 3
Descriptive Grammar 1 class/lecture 45 BA I 2
Descriptive Grammar 2 class/lecture 45 BA II 4
Culture ane Literature: Thematic Module 1 class/lecture 45 BA II 5
Culture ane Literature: Thematic Module 2 class/lecture 45 BA II 4
Culture ane Literature: Thematic Module 3 class/lecture 45 BA II 5
Culture ane Literature: Thematic Module 4 class/lecture 45 BA II 5
Culture ane Literature: Thematic Module 5 class/lecture 45 BA III 5
Elective course 1 (literature) class/lecture 45 BA III 4
Elective course 2 (culture) class/lecture 45 BA III 4
Information Technology: Editing Texts class 30 BA III 2
Methodology of Academic Texts class 15 BA III 1
B.A. Seminar 1 seminar 30 BA III 5
B.A. Seminar 2 seminar 30 BA III 14
Practical Knowledge of English: Module 1 class 150 BA I 10 English Studies: Specialisation Design of Interactive Entertainment and Localization of Games and Software (SPRINT-WRITE)
Practical Knowledge of English: Module 2 class 150 BA I 8
Practical Knowledge of English: Module 3 class 120 BA II 6
Practical Knowledge of English: Module 4 class 120 BA II 6
Practical Knowledge of English: Module 5 class 90 BA III 5
Introduction to Linguistics class 30 BA I 3
Linguistics: Elective monographic course class/lecture 45 BA II 2
History of English Speaking Countries 1 lecture 15 BA I 1
Culture of English Speaking Countries 1 class 30 BA I 2
History of English Speaking Countries 2 lecture 15 BA II 1
Culture of English Speaking Countries 2 class 30 BA II 2
History of British Literature 1 class/lecture 60 BA I 6
History of British Literature 2 class/lecture 60 BA I 4
History of American Literature class/lecture 60 BA I 4
Literary Theory lecture 30 BA I 2 English Studies: Specialisation Design of Interactive Entertainment and Localization of Games and Software (SPRINT-WRITE)
Theory of Narration and Storyline class/lecture 45 BA II 3
Material Culture class/lecture 45 BA II 3
Culture: Elective specialised lecture lecture 30 BA II 1
Popular Culture class/lecture 45 BA III 2
Literature: Thematic Module 1 – SF Literature / Detective and Historical Fiction class/lecture 45 BA II 4
Media: Elective monographic course class/lecture 45 BA II 3
Fim class/lecture 45 BA II 3
New Media class/lecture 45 BA III 3
Interpretation and Analysis of Interactive Entertainment class 30 BA I 2
Screenwriting and Dialogues class 30 BA II 2
Storyboarding class 30 BA II 2
Game Design Document class 30 BA III 2
Methodology of Academic Texts class 15 BA III 1
B.A. Seminar 1 seminar 30 BA III 5
B.A. seminar 2 seminar 30 BA III 18
Practical Knowledge of English: Module 1 class 90 MA I 6 English Studies: Specialisation Culture and Literature of the English Speaking Countries
Practical Knowledge of English: Module 2 class 90 MA I 6
Practical Knowledge of English: Module 3 class 60 MA II 4
Interpretations of Literatures in English: Module 1 class 30 MA I 3
Interpretations of Literatures in English: Module 2 class 30 MA I 4
Interpretations of Literatures in English:: Module 3 class 30 MA II 3
Analysis of Cultural Discourse  class 30 MA I 2
Semiotics of Culture class/lecture 45 MA I 4
Aspects of Culture – Thematic Module (elective) class/lecture 45 MA I 6
Aspects of Contemporary Culture – Thematic Module (elective) class/lecture 45 MA II 4
Information Technology: Editing of Scholarly Texts class 15 MA I 1
Academic Texts class 30 MA I 2
M.A. Seminar 1 seminar 30 MA I 5
M.A. Seminar 2 seminar 30 MA I 9
M.A. Seminar 3 seminar 30 MA II 10
Specialised Seminar 1 seminar 30 MA II 4
M.A. Seminar 4 seminar 30 MA II 18
Specialised Seminar 2 seminar 30 MA II 6
Monographic Lecture 1 lecture 30 MA II 2
Monographic Lecture 2 lecture 30 MA II 2
Practical Knowledge of English: Module 1 class 90 MA I 6 English Studies: Specialisation CULTURE - MEDIA - TRANSLATION
Practical Knowledge of English: Module 2 class 90 MA I 6
Practical Knowledge of English: Module 3 class 60 MA II 4
Interpretations of Literatures in English class 30 MA I 5
Semiotics of Culture class/lecture 45 MA I 4
Aspects of Culture – Thematic Module (elective) class/lecture 45 MA I 6
Aspects of Media Studies class/lecture 45 MA II 3
Multimedia class 30 MA II 2
Information Technology: Editing Scientific Texts class 15 MA I 1
Academic Texts class 30 MA I 2
M.A. Seminar 1 seminar 30 MA I 5
M.A. Seminar 2 seminar 30 MA I 9
M.A. Seminar 3 seminar 30 MA II 8
Specialised Seminar 1 seminar 30 MA II 4
M.A. Seminar 4 seminar 30 MA II 18
Specialised Seminar 2 seminar 30 MA II 6
Monographic Lecture lecture 30 MA II 2
Practical Knowledge of English: Module1 class 90 MA I 6 English Philology: American and Canadian Studies for Intercultural Communications and Diplomacy; planned for enrollment from 2015/2016
Culture and Literature - thematic module 1 (elective course) class/lecture 45 MA I 4
American Society and Its Institutions class/lecture 45 MA I 4
Rhetoric and Eristic class 30 MA I 3
Diplomatic Protocol class 30 MA I 3
Information Technology: Editing Scholarly Texts class 30 MA I 1
M.A. Seminar 1 seminar 30 MA I 5
Practical Knowledge of English: module 2 class 90 MA I 6
Culture and Literature - thematic module 2 (elective course) class/lecture 45 MA I 4
History and Foreign Policy of the USA before 1945 lecture 30 MA I 2
Canadian Society and Its Institutions class/lecture 45 MA I 4
M.A. Seminar 2 seminar 30 MA I 9
Practical Knowledge of English: module 3 class 60 MA II 4
History and Foreign Policy of the USA after 1945 lecture 30 MA II 2
History and Foreign Policy of Canada lecture 30 MA II 2
Legal Systems of the USA and Canada class 30 MA II 2
International Relations class/lecture 45 MA II 3
M.A. Seminar 3 seminar 30 MA II 9 English Philology: American and Canadian Studies for Intercultural Communications and Diplomacy; planned for enrollment from 2015/2016
Specialised Seminar 1 seminar 30 MA II 2
North American Art lecture 30 MA II 3
Multicultural Society: elective monographic course lecture 30 MA II 3
International Law lecture 30 MA II 3
M.A. Seminar 4 seminar 30 MA II 17
Specialised Seminar  2 seminar 30 MA II 4
Institute of Romance Studies
Practical English I, practical class 90 BA I 8  
Practical English II, practical class 90 BA I 7  
Practical English III, practical class 75 BA II 4  
Practical EnglishIV, practical class 75 BA II 4  
Practical English V, practical class 60 BA III 2  
Practical English VI, practical class 30 BA III 2  
History of British literature I , seminar 30 BA I 2  
History of British literature II, seminar 30 BA I 2  
History of American literature I , seminar 30 BA I 2  
History of American literature I , seminar 30 BA I 2  
English descriptive grammar with some historical grammar and contrastive grammar I, seminar 30 BA I 2  
English descriptive grammar with some historical grammar and contrastive grammar II, seminar 30 BA I 2  
English descriptive grammar with some historical grammar and contrastive grammar III, seminar 30 BA II 2  
Legal text - English I, practical class 30 BA II 3  
Legal text - English II, practical class 30 BA II 4  
Specialized text - English I, practical class 30 BA II 3  
Specialized text - English II, practical class 30 BA II 4  
Business English I, practical class 30 MA I 3  
Business English II, practical class 30 MA I 3  
Practical English I, practical class 30 MA I 3  
Practical English II, -2 practical class 30 MA I 3  
Practical English III, practical class 30 MA II 3  
Practical English VI, practical class 30 MA II 3  
Institute of Cultural and Interdisciplinary Studies
History of Polish Cinema laboratory 30 BA I 2  
Contemporary Polish Theatre laboratory 30 BA II 2  
Sensorial Anthropology lecture + laboratory 15 + 15 MA I 3  
Audiovisual Communication (New Media and Multimedia) laboratory 30 MA I 2  
Cultural practices laboratory 15 MA II 5  
Institute of Slavonic Philology 
Practical Exercise of the1st Language 1 practical class 120 BA I 8 The first language can be: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Macedonian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian
Practical Exercise of the1st Language 2 practical class 120 BA I 10
Practical Exercise of the1st Language 3 practical class 105 BA II 7
Practical Exercise of the1st Language 4 practical class 105 BA II 8
Practical Exercise of the1st Language 5 practical class 105 BA III 7
Practical Exercise of the1st Language 6 practical class 105 BA III 9
Practical Exercise of the 2nd Language 1 practical class 105 BA II 7
Practical Exercise of the 2nd Language 2 practical class 105 BA II 7
Practical Exercise of the 2nd Language 3 practical class 105 BA III 7
Practical Exercise of the 2nd Language 4 practical class 105 BA III 9
Descriptive Grammar of the 1st Language (lect. + exerc.) 1 seminar 60 BA I 5 The first language can be: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Macedonian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian
Descriptive Grammar of the 1st Language (lect. + exerc.) 2 seminar 45 BA II 3
Descriptive Grammar of the 1st Language (lect. + exerc.) 3 seminar 45 BA II 4
History of the 1st Language seminar 45 BA III 3
History of the 1st Language Literature 1 seminar 30 BA I 4
History of the 1st Language Literature 2 seminar 45 BA I 4
History of the 1st Language Literature 3 seminar 45 BA II 4
History of the 1st Language Literature 4 seminar 45 BA II 4
History of the 1st Language Literature 5 seminar 45 BA III 4
Knowledge of Selected European Cultures seminar 30 BA I 2
Descriptive Grammar of the 2nd Language 1 seminar 30 BA III 2
Descriptive Grammar of the 2nd Language 2 seminar 30 BA III 2
History of the 2nd Language Literature 1 seminar 30 BA III 2
History of the 2nd Language Literature 2 seminar 30 BA III 2
Course of the Foreign Language 1 practical class 30 BA II 2 The foreign language can be: English, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedisch
Course of the Foreign Language 2 practical class 30 BA II 2
Course of the Foreign Language 3 practical class 30 BA III 2
Course of the Foreign Language 4 practical class 30 BA III 2
Practical Exercise of the1st Language 1 practical class 60 MA I 8 The first language can be: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Macedonian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian
Practical Exercise of the1st Language 2 practical class 60 MA I 8
Practical Exercise of the1st Language 3 practical class 60 MA II 9
Practical Exercise of the1st Language 4 practical class 60 MA II 10
Practical Exercise of the 2nd Language 1 practical class 60 MA I 6
Practical Exercise of the 2nd Language 2 practical class 60 MA I 6
Practical Exercise of the 2nd Language 3 practical class 30 MA II 5
Practical Exercise of the 2nd Language 4 practical class 30 MA II 5
Course of the Russian Language 1 practical class 30 MA I 2  
Course of the Russian Language 2 practical class 30 MA I 2  
Course of the Russian Language 3 practical class 30 MA II 2  
Course of the Foreign Language 1 practical class 30 MA I 2 The foreign language can be: English, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedisch
Course of the Foreign Language 2 practical class 30 MA I 2

Faculty of Computer Science and Materials Science

Algorithms and data structures lecture + laboratory 15 + 45 BA/MA I-V 5  
Artificial Intelligence lecture + laboratory 15 + 30 BA/MA I-V 6  
Basics of modeling and visualization lecture + laboratory 15 + 45 BA/MA I-V 6  
Computer architecture (Microprocessors and programming) lecture + laboratory 15 + 45 BA/MA I-V 6  
Computer networks lecture + laboratory 15 + 45 BA/MA I-V 3  
Data Bases lecture + laboratory 15 + 45 BA/MA I-V 5  
Databases and data warehouses lecture + laboratory 15 + 45 BA/MA I-V 6  
Algorithms and complexity theory lecture + laboratory 15 + 45 BA/MA I-V 6  
Multiresolution Image Analysis lecture + laboratory 15 + 45 BA/MA I-V 6  
Object-Oriented Programming lecture + laboratory 30 + 45 BA/MA I-V 7  
Operating systems lecture + laboratory 15 + 45 BA/MA I-V 5  
Project management laboratory 30 BA/MA I-V 3  
Web technologies lecture + laboratory 15 + 30 BA/MA I-V 6  
Physics 1 lecture + laboratory 45 + 45 BA I/II 6  
Engineering designing and graphics lecture + laboratory 15 + 30 BA I-III 3  
Materials for electronics and electrotechnics lecture + laboratory 25 + 20 BA II-IV 3  
Mechanics and strength of materials lecture + laboratory 45 + 30 BA II/III 3  
Principles of materials designing and selection lecture + laboratory 30 + 30 BA II/III 5  
Materials testing methods 1 lecture + laboratory 30 + 45 BA II/III 4  
Biomaterials lecture + laboratory 30 + 15 BA II-IV 3  
Applied mathematics 1 lecture + laboratory 30 + 30 BA I/II 5  

Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry

Institute of Physics
Nanophysics lecture 60 MA II 6  
Spectroscopic methods lecture + laboratory + conversation class 20 + 10 +10 MA I 4  
Physcis of mesoscopic materials lecture + conversation class 40 + 20 MA II 6  
Advanced physics of condensed matter lecture 20 MA II 3  
Numerical modelling of solid states lecture + laboratory 10 + 30 MA II 4  
Classical optics lecture + laboratory + conversation class 20 + 10 + 20 MA I 2  
Nonlinear optics and Photonics lecture 20 MA II 3  
Microsensors lecture + laboratory 20 + 30 MA II 5  
Numerical methods lecture + laboratory 10 + 30 MA I 4  
Computer simulations laboratory 30 MA I 3  
Physics of semiconductors laboratory + lecture + conversation class 10 + 20 + 10 MA I 3  
Physics of magnetic materials laboratory + lecture + conversation class 10 + 10 + 10 MA I 3  
Interaction radiation with the matter lecture + laboratory 10 + 10 MA I 3  
Laboratory of physics laboratory 120 MA I 10  
Specialized lecture I lecture + seminar 90 MA I/II 9 sem.2: 6 ECTS, 30 + 30, sem.3: 3 ECTS, 30, only lecture
Specialized lecture II lecture + conversation class 30 + 30 MA II 6  
Specialized lecture III lecture 30 MA II 3  
Selected topics of solid state physics lecture 30 MA I 3  
Selected topics of theoretical physics T lecture  30 MA II 3  
Selected topics of quantum physics T lecture + conversation class 30 + 30 MA I 6  
Quantum field theory lecture + conversation class 45 + 45 MA I 9  
Statistical physics lecture + conversation class 30 + 45 MA II 7  
Master’s seminar p.1-4 seminar 120 MA I + II 11 ECTS per semester: 3, 3, 2, 3 ; 30 hours per each semester
M.Sc.Thesis laboratoriy p.1-3, Preparation of M.Sc. Project Project laboratorium 360 MA I + II 50 ECTS per semester: 0, 10, 13, 27; Hours: 0, 120,120,120
Advanced course lecture: Selected sections of quantum mechanics lecture + conversation class 45 + 30 PhD I 4  
Seminar Seminar 30 PhD I 2  
Doctoral studies seminar Seminar 15 PhD I 1  
Methodology of didactics in physics and natural sciences  lecture + conversation class 10 + 20 PhD I 2  
Teaching of physics in areas of selected specializations  conversation class 45 PhD I 3  
Scientific English conversation class 30 PhD I 2  
Teaching practices : Apprenticeship in teaching classes (hours) conducted or co-conducted   10-90 PhD I 4  
Advanced course lecture: Contemporary methods in experimental physics lecture + conversation class 30 + 30 PhD II 3  
Seminar seminar 30 PhD II 2  
Doctoral studies seminar seminar 15 PhD II 1  
Teaching practices : Apprenticeship in teaching classes ( hours) conducted or co-conducted   10-90 PhD II 4  
Seminar seminar 30 PhD III 2  
Doctoral studies seminar seminar 15 PhD III 1  
Specialist lectures lecture + conversation class 30 + 30 PhD III 3  
Teaching practices : Apprenticeship in teaching classes ( hours) conducted or co-conducted   10-90 PhD III 4  
Seminar seminar 30 PhD IV 2  
Doctoral studies seminar seminar 15 PhD IV 1  
Teaching practices : Apprenticeship in teaching classes ( hours) conducted or co-conducted     PhD I 4  
Institute of Chemistry
Selected topics in general chemistry conversation class 60 BA II 4 2 semesters: 30 hours and 2 points per semester
Physical chemistry of liquids and solutions lecture + conversation class 45 + 45 MA I 2  
Medicinal chemistry of selected natural products lecture + conversation class 45 + 45 MA I 2  
Molecular basis of drug development and design lecture + conversation class 45 + 45 MA I 2  
Introduction to organic chemistry lecture + conversation class 45 + 45 MA I 2  
Specialized English in Chemistry lecture 60 EN III 3 Chemical technology
Computional methods in Chemistry lecture 30 EN II 2 Chemical technology
Microstructure of polymer chain lecture 30 EN III 2 Chemical technology
Institute of Mathematics
Selected topics in inequalities, lecture + class 30 + 30 MA I or II 6  
Piecewise deterministic processes, lecture + class 30 + 30 MA I or II 6  
Borel measures on metric spaces, lecture + class 30 + 30 MA I or II 6  
Applications of the theory of functional equations lecture + class 30 + 30 MA I or II 6  
Selected topics in qualitative theory of differential equations lecture + class 30 + 30 MA I or II 6  
Applications of the group theory lecture + class 30 + 30 MA I or II 6  
Introduction to wavelets, lecture + class 30 + 30 MA I or II 6  
Applications of the theory of functional equations lecture + class 30 + 30 MA I or II 6  
Cryptography lecture + class 30 + 30 MA I or II 6  
Valuation Theory lecture + class 30 + 30 MA I or II 6  
Wavelet Transforms lecture + class 30 + 30 MA I or II 6  

Faculty of Earth Sciences

Application of Organic Geochemistry in Environmental Protection lecture + laboratory 15 + 15 MA I 2  
Applications of Dendrochronology  lecture + laboratory 15 + 15 MA I 2  
Applied Geophysics 1 lecture + laboratory 30 + 30 BA II 5  
Applied Geophysics 2 lecture + laboratory 30 + 30 BA II 6  
Applied Geophysics - Field Trip field trip 60 BA II 4  
Baltic Amber and Other Fossil Resins lecture 10 MA I 1  
Climate of the Mountains  lecture 15 BA III 1  
Climate of the Polar Regions  lecture 15 BA III 1  
Climatology and Meteorology  lecture + laboratory 30 + 30 BA I 5  
Coal Petrology lecture + laboratory 15 + 30 BA III 4  
Contemporary Climate Change  lecture + laboratory 15 + 15 MA II 2  
Current Problems in the Geology of Petroleum and Gas lecture + laboratory 30 + 30 MA I 4